At 1 year and 9 months, this sketchbook took the longest to fill. I now try to fill a sketchbooks at least every 6 months. The books I use have 132 pages.
I graduated college in May 2010 and started working for Blip Toys September 2010. I moved down to Newport and was busy with a new job that kept me feeling artistic at work. I also became kind of a hermit because all of my friends and my boyfriend were in LA and I was in Orange County. Most of the drawings in this sketchbook are from outings I took with Matt or Mel, walking around on my own in Newport, and videos/images from the internet.
This man sat still for Mel and I for so long! Unfortunately so did his friend and we didn’t draw the friend, we felt soo bad!
They had a camel!
Drawing puppies from videos when I don’t have any real animals to look at. Better practice than still images (although I use those too)
Drawn from You Tube videos.
from internet pictures.
Trying to draw kids climbing: good practice, bad drawings.
I love drawing kids because they move so fast!
Also a favorit quote on this page (Robin McKInley)
Lots of memories and good times at the fire pits. There is currently a movement to have them taken out. In theory for environmental reasons (wood smoke) but really because the locals who own property on the boardwalk don’t want “the wrong sort of people” coming down there to use them. Apparently you should have to buy a 2 million $ beach house to enjoy a beach bbq.
my friends looking very daper.
Traveling to new places makes me want to draw EVERYTHING. I love going new places because it makes it easier to keep that enthusiasm for drawing when I come back.
Everyone hangs their laundry to dry on their balconies. A bunch of people took pictures of me drawing this. Amusingly, several people stopped to take pictures of the building as well, showing sudden interest in it because I chose it as a subject to sketch.
This is the main outdoor “hangar” in travel town with old trains in it.
Travel town is a little gem in Griffith Park full of old trains and cars. Its free too!
we camped out on a display couch and sketched the fancy decor
Mel and I camped out on the floor of the treehouse to sketch. We were almost stepped on my hundreds of people.
Looking back, I like this sketch because I was conscious of the direction of the light, which is something I am trying to work on now.
Drew this while waiting for Matt to visit “The Spice Station”, a store of nothing but spices. He loves it.
San Fransciso and Big Sur Trip
My lovely boyfriend planned a very nice vacation for us in August of 2011 to San Francisco and Big Sur. These are some sketches from that trip.
Prisons make me really uncomfortable, I drew this at Matthew’s request. He is very interested in Alcatraz.
This is a waterfall into the ocean in Big Sur. This used to be a person’s backyard, but the house is gone now. It is amazingly gorgeous in person.
Side note, I would never try to draw this in ballpoint now. It was taking way too long. I have learned to be better about picking the right medium for the subject and length of time I have to draw.
Treebones in Big Sur is a beautiful place to visit. These flowers are in their organic garden